
Personalized Upskilling Courses

Made-for-you Upskilling Courses, curated based on your current skills and new learning goals. Learn up to 4 times faster by connecting the dots better with the world’s first fully personalized upskilling platform.

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Review the plan above. If you're satisfied, click the button below to start creating your course.

Check out our Sample Course on AI created for a Project Manager in Supply Chain.

Comparison Feature

Why Start from Scratch again?

Start from What You Know!

When you know Java and want to learn GoLang, focus on the differences rather relearning the base concepts. LyncLearn helps by comparing syntax and structure between your known and new skills.

Perspective Feature

Your Views and Needs are Different!

Learn from Your Perspective!

LyncLearn explains new concepts from 'your perspective' and explains in a way you'll understand and apply. For ex. It explains AI for a Supply Chain expert with different use cases than a Finance expert.

Perspective Graphic
Change Feature

Don't Just Think about Changing!

Be The Change!

Changing Career? Switching Tech stacks? Changing domains? or moving from Non-Tech to Tech? LyncLearn is the place to start. It guides you like an expert in your current field and the new field, helping you become the New You.

Graphic 03
Audio Icon

An Interface crafted for Personalized Learning!

Engaging Audio-Visual Contents

Our Unique Interface that delivers Crisp Audio-Visual Presentations with suitable code, illustrations and more. The contents are generated by our specially trained AI that is an expert in bridging different skills.

Audio Visual Feature
Quizzes & Capstone Feature

Recall & Rehearse!

Quizzes & Capstone Projects

Test your new skills with a Quiz at the end of each module and a Capstone project at the end of the Course. The Projects help you to leverage your new skills along with your current skills.

Quizzes & Capstone Graphic
Lynclearn Chatbot Feature

Like a Good Teacher, Lyncy is there!!

Ask Lyncy.
Clarify Doubt anytime.

Our helpful chatbot Lyncy is always there to clarify any doubts on the topic, acting like a personal tutor familiar with your knowledge and guiding you accordingly.

Chatbot Graphic
Light Investment
Bolt Bulletpoint
Personalised courses based on your current skills
Bolt Bulletpoint
4+ hours of Audio Visual contents
Bolt Bulletpoint
Live Chatbot for doubt clarification
Bolt Bulletpoint
Priority email support
$19 $29
Flat fee per specially generated course only for you.
40% OFF
Get Started
Refund Icon
7 Days, No Questiosn asked refund.

How Lynclearn Works?

A new learning process centered around you.

Person IconUser Icon

Tell us about Yourself

Type-in your currents skills and experience or upload your resume to provide your current skills.

Task IconTasks Icon

Enter your Desired Skill

Be broad or be specific. Could be just Python or Basics of Supply Chian or AI for Security of Block Chain Applications.

Sparkle IconSparkle Icon

See What You'll get.

An Overview of Upcoming Course Contents that will show you how you'll gain your desired skill going from your current skills.

Receipt IconReceipt Icon

Order the Course

Your Payment will power our intelligent engines to start cooking your course.

Open Box IconOpen Box Icon

Delivered in a Day.

Within 24 hours, you'll have the course ready for you to delve into. Now, its your turn to go for the goal.

Info Icon

AI Generated Course? Can I trust it?

Right. We don't fully rely on AI either.
That's why we have built a Process around it to keep it within the lanes where it performs best. Our courses have been taken up by professionals from various fields and have been found to be very reliable. We are confident that you will trust it for your second course as well.

What if I find any incorrect contents?

This qualifies for a full refund. Let us know, we'll do some basic checks and return your money.

More Questions?

Ask Away!!

Samples for Taste

Snippets of sample courses.

Vue JS Icon


for Python devs.

Required skills

Python, NodeJS, Web Dev

Vue JS Icon


for React experts

Required skills


Kubernetes Icon


for Network Product Pros

Required skills

Network Product Testing, Python
